Friday, June 11, 2010

Spinning, Savasana, and Furry Friends.

Today I discovered the beauty of letting go, once again. I was doing the yoga portion of Bindu's 21.5.800 challenge, and I decided that today I needed savasana. My heads been spinning with a lot of things. Career, blog challenges, e-courses, etc. Because I've been a bit spinny, and after my morning pages...I thought surrender was in order. Savasana here I come! I got everything ready, laid down, got settled, and my helper (the one you see above) showed up. I would really love it if he would participate like the dog in the commercial (have you seen that one? - it's escaping me whose commercial it is). My wonder pup decided to get involved - and not in a really helpful way. I did not have a camera laying around in case of a photo op, so this is an older photo of him doing one of the things he practiced (2 inches from my face), during my savasana. Adding to my surrender experience. As much as I cursed it, my time was enhanced. The love of  my pup wanting to be with Mom, worked out just fine in the end. Things don't always go as we plan, and we can choose to go with it or fight it. I went with it. It all worked out. Unconditional love is good stuff! And tomorrow is a new day.


  1. I am taking on this challenge too! Love the grace you gave to this morning's practice.From a fellow flyer, Robin

  2. Hi Robin! Happy to have you on the ride for both challenges :) Thanks for stopping in and for letting me know you're a flyer ;)


you are lovely. thanks for taking the time to comment.